Tsinghua Heilan Chinese Traditional Costume and Color Research Center Officially Launched

On May 25, the Tsinghua Heilan Chinese Traditional Costume and Color Research Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Research Center”) was unveiled at Tsinghua University. Peng Gang, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Xu Feng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Jiangyin Municipal Party Committee, and Zhou Lichen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Heilan Group, attended the ceremony. The unveiling ceremony was hosted by Qin Chuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University.

Peng Gang said that moving towards beauty will define the future. Facing the challenges of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the mission of art design to empower new productivity, he expects Tsinghua Heilan Chinese Traditional Costume and Color Research Center to stick to its original aspirations and move forward steadily in the tide of change, actively explore the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture with the enterprising spirit of humanities and pragmatic results of actions speaking louder than words, and let the beauty of Chinese clothing and accessories enter life and the world.

Zhou Lichen said that Tsinghua University has top academic research capabilities and design and development levels in the field of Chinese clothing and color research, and Heilan Home has strong strength in production scale, supply chain system and brand promotion. The cooperation between the two parties will bring rich results to the field of traditional clothing and color research, promote the innovative development and industrial upgrading of China’s clothing industry, and make positive contributions to enhancing the competitiveness of China’s fashion industry.

Peng Gang, Xu Feng, Zhou Lichen, Wu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangyin Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, Yang Yongheng, Director of the Humanities Department of Tsinghua University, Meng Xiangli, Vice President of the Research Institute, Fang Xiaofeng, Vice President of the Academy of Fine Arts, and Huang Qi, General Manager of Heilan Technology Co., Ltd. jointly unveiled the research center.

The research center will use ancient and modern Chinese clothing as a link, relying on the profound academic accumulation of Tsinghua University, and carrying out more than 20 years of innovative practical experience and strong R&D potential of Heilan Home to jointly carry out research and restoration work in the fields of Chinese traditional clothing history and Chinese color science. This includes research and restoration of traditional Chinese clothing, construction of a traditional Chinese color system, and integration of traditional Chinese clothing elements for fashion design.

Ma Shengde, former deputy director of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and director of the Expert Committee of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Display and Protection Base, Jin Wen, inheritor of the Yunjin intangible cultural heritage, Li Dangqi, professor of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and director of the Tsinghua Heilan Chinese Traditional Costume and Color Research Center, and Qin Chuan spoke successively on the future development of the research center.

The launch event of the first academic monograph on horse-faced skirts in China, “The Most Beautiful Costumes in China Series – Five-Colored Colorful Horse-faced Skirts”, was held after the unveiling ceremony. The book was co-authored by Jia Xizeng, deputy director of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Heilan Chinese Traditional Costume and Color Research Center, and Gao Wenjing, a researcher at the Tsinghua University Art Museum, and edited by Zhou Lichen. This book is the first to systematically study horse-faced skirts from the perspective of traditional Chinese colors, summarizes 198 traditional Chinese color classifications, and uses 106 real details of horse-faced skirts and 200 high-definition pattern structure details to truly reproduce the beauty of horse-faced skirts.