Ministry Announces New Vehicle Scrapping Policy to Enhance Road Safety

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has formulated the Vehicle Scrapping Policy that includes a system of incentives/disincentives for creation of an ecosystem to phase out older, unfit polluting vehicles. In order to enforce provisions of the policy, rules have been notified under the framework of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989. Following notifications have been issued and uploaded on the Ministry’s website:

(1) GSR Notification 653 (E) dated 23.09.2021 provides the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021 for establishment of Registered Vehicles Scrapping Facility (RVSF). The notification has come into force with effect from 25th September, 2021.

(2) GSR Notification 652 (E) dated 23.09.2021 provides for recognition, regulation and control of Automated Testing Stations. The notification has come into force with effect from 25th September, 2021.

(3) GSR Notification 714 (E) dated 04.10.2021 provides for upward revision of registration fee, fitness testing fee and fitness certification fee of vehicles. The notification has come into force with effect from 1st April, 2022.

(4) GSR Notification 720 (E) dated 05.10.2021 provides for concession in the motor vehicle tax for the vehicle registered against submission of “Certificate of deposit”. The notification has come into force with effect from 1st April, 2022.

(5) GSR notification 272(E) dated 05.04.2022 provides for mandatory fitness of motor vehicles only through an Automated Testing Station, registered in accordance with rule 175 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989, as under –

(i) For Heavy Goods Vehicles/Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicles with effect from 01st April 2023 onwards, and

(ii) For Medium Goods Vehicles/Medium Passenger Motor Vehicles and Light Motor Vehicles (Transport) with effect from 01st June 2024 onwards.

(6) GSR Notification 695(E) dated 13.09.2022 provides for amendments in Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021 earlier published vide GSR 653(E) dated 23.09.2021.

(7) GSR notification 797(E) dated 31.10.2022 provides for amendments in the rules for “recognition, regulation and control of automated testing stations” earlier published vide G.S.R. 652(E) dated 23.09.2021.

(8) GSR Notification 29(E) dt 16.01.2023 provides that Certificate of registration for vehicles owned, by Central, States and UT governments and their Departments, Local government (Municipal Corporations or Municipalities or Panchayats), State transport Undertakings, PSUs and other Autonomous bodies with the Central Government and State Governments, shall not be renewed after the lapse of fifteen years.

(9) GSR 663(E) dated 12.09.2023 provides for extension of date for mandatory testing of Transport Vehicles through an Automated Testing Station, registered in accordance with rule 175 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 to 01st October 2024.

(10) GSR 195(E) dated 14.03.2024 provides for amendments in the rules for “recognition, regulation and control of automated testing stations” earlier published vide G.S.R. 652(E) dated 23.09.2021 and last amended vide GSR 797(E) dated 31.10.2023.

(11) GSR 212(E) dated 15.03.2024 provides for amendments in Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021 published vide GSR 653(E) dated 23.09.2021 and lastly amended vide GSR 695(E) dated 13.09.2022.

The Ministry undertakes training of the officials of Transport Departments of States / UTs, officials from the SRTUs/STUs/STCs and Traffic Police officials of States /UTs regarding the new rules, regulations and technologies relating to transport, including vehicle scrapping policy, and conducts Workshop cum Training programmes for development of Human Resources in States/UTs through several premier institutes.

The status of implementation of the policy is as under:-

(i) 60 Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities and 75 Automated Testing Stations are operational across the country.

(ii) 21 States/UTs have announced concessions in the MV tax on a vehicle which is purchased against a Certificate of Deposit. 18 States/UTs have announced waiver in pending liabilities on the vehicles offered for scrapping at RVSFs.

(iii) As on 15.07.2024, a total of 96,980 vehicles have been scrapped by the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities.

The Government of India is a signatory to the Stockholm declaration which envisages the reduction in road fatalities and injuries by 50% by the year 2030.