Ural Federal University Launches ‘Digital Environment of the Russian Language in Mongolia’ Project

The Ural Federal University has launched the project “Digital Environment of the Russian Language in Mongolia”. Within the framework of the project, 20 Mongolian teachers and 20 students from Mongolian schools will develop an electronic teaching tool. It will contain teaching materials and video clips made with the participation of Mongolian students.

Sergey Tushin, Vice-Rector for International Relations of UrFU, gave a speech at the project opening. He greeted students and teachers in Mongolian and invited students to enroll in UrFU, paying special attention to the development of Mongolia through the study of the Russian language.

Lyudmila Berg, Deputy Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region, noted that the region and Mongolia have fruitful cooperation and implement joint projects. She also thanked the participants for visiting the region and stressed the importance of learning the Russian language.

In turn, Elena Osipchukova, Deputy Director of the UrFU Center for Alumni Relations, said that the Ural Federal University has been working closely with Mongolia for many years through its alumni association. Today many of them are managers of large companies and state structures of Mongolia. She expressed her hope for fruitful work and creation of a quality product of the project.

Egor Anikin, Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Fund for Support of Youth Initiatives, noted that the project to promote the Russian language in Mongolia has been running for six years. He added that each project is unique and a rich cultural program awaits the guests. Maximillian Dolmatov, an employee of the International Office of UrFU, presented the opportunities for Mongolian students to enroll at UrFU.