UrFU Represents at Certus and Russian House Conference in Lima

On July 19, the Certus Institute (branch office in Arequipa) and the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Lima hosted a talk “Scholarship Opportunities in Russia” for all interested in possibly obtaining a professional degree in Russia. The speakers were, on the one hand, Alexandra Egorova, Director of the Russian Center of Science and Culture, and on the other hand, Tatyana Iazdanova, manager of the International Admissions Office of UrFU, and Delfina Zakharova, manager of the International Marketing and Communication Office of UrFU.

Director Alexandra Egorova presented the possibilities of studying in Russia and talked about the scholarships available for residents of Peru. Delfina Zakharova and Tatiana Iazdanova spoke about opportunities to study at UrFU and ways of collaboration. They also detailed the educational and academic mobility programs available at the University for people with and without a knowledge of Russian. The conference participants asked questions about accommodation, the availability of studies for people of different ages, and scholarships at UrFU.

The conference was organized with the great support of Moisés Quiñones, full-time Professor of Entrepreneurship and coordinator of entrepreneurship programs at Certus.