New Measures Announced for Industrial Growth in Economically Weaker Areas

For support and revitalize industries, Ministry of Heavy Industries, on January 25, 2022, has notified the Scheme on “Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector- Phase-II” for providing assistance to Common Technology Development and Services Infrastructure. The scheme has a financial outlay of Rs.1207 crores with budgetary support of Rs.975 crore and Industry Contribution of Rs.232 crores. Under the Scheme, a total of 33 projects with project cost of Rs.1366.94 crores (due to higher contribution by Industry) and Government contribution of Rs.963.19 crore have been sanctioned so far.

This Scheme is a Pan India, demand driven scheme, in which Industry and Academia come together to skill work force and develop niche technologies with in India. In this scheme an Industry can collaborate with Educational Institute, R & D Institute and PSU to create a sustainable ecosystem to cater for Indian technical requirements.

For each project sanctioned under “Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector”, a Project Review and Monitoring Committee(PRMC) is constituted for monitoring and evaluation of projects.