SPbPU Shanghai Office Hosts Spring Networking Event

The official Representative Office of SPbPU in Shanghai and International office in Nanjing continue to work actively to develop and strengthen cooperation between Peter the Great Polytechnic University and leading universities and companies in China. Spring and summer were marked by the signing of new agreements in educational, scientific and research details.

«Open Day of SPbPU» in Shandong Jiaotong University (SJU)

The Open Day of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University was held online at Shandong Jiaotong Universit. The event was attended by graduates of SJU and senior students, including students of the sub-faculty of SJU.

In a live broadcast on the VOOV meeting platform, the participants of the event got acquainted with the Polytechnic University, watched a video about educational programs, research centers and other opportunities that await them when entering SPbPU.

They were familiarized with the admission rules for 2024 and received some useful tips. During the online meeting, the Admission office managers gave detailed information about the conditions of admission to the main educational programs and international short-term programs of SPbPU.

SPbPU Open Day

Negotiations with LANGYANG EDUCATION

SPbPU representative office in Shanghai held negotiations with LANGYANG EDUCATION on possible cooperation. This is the largest Chinese recruiting company, which sends more than 22,000 Chinese students a year to study abroad.

The main areas of partnership will be: basic educational programs, short-term programs, and advanced training courses.

Negotiations with LANGYANG EDUCATION

Polytechnic researchers visited the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In May, with the support of the SPbPU Representative Office in Shanghai, Alexey Filimonov, Acting Director of the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics of SPbPU, and the staff of the Research Center «Physics of Nanocomposite Materials» (SPbPU — A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology) visited the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where they held negotiations on cooperation in the field of joint research projects.

Representatives of SPbPU expressed interest in conducting research on the development of new practically significant functional materials in cooperation with institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, for which the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center can become an infrastructural base. During the meeting in Shanghai, the Chinese side confirmed its readiness to support the project.

Combining SPbPU’s scientific experience with the capabilities of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center will form a joint basis for a new technological direction, which has serious prospects for commercial success in the future.

Polytechnic researchers visited the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center

Polytechnic researchers visited the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center

Representatives of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences took part in the conference «Quality of Education and Sustainable Development — the basis of international cooperation».

The representatives of the Chinese delegation expressed interest in the development of bilateral projects.

Based on the results of the meetings, the Chinese colleagues came up with an initiative to formalize the agreed prospects for cooperation through the conclusion of framework agreements on cooperation and the development of a roadmap for cooperation with academic and university science organizations.

Polytechnic University became a partner of the Wuxi Industrial Innovation Research Institute

On June 19, First Vice-Rector of Polytechnic University Vitaliy Sergeev and President of Wuxi Industrial Innovation Research Institute (WIIRI) Hu Yidong signed a memorandum.

The first acquaintance of SPbPU students with WIIRI took place within the framework of a scientific and technological tour of the Yangtze River Delta region, which was organized by the University’s strategic partner — Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI), which provides support for the innovative development of industry and high-tech business throughout Jiangsu Province.

Chinese colleagues at the meeting at SPbPU

Vitaliy Sergeev, first vice-rector of SPbPU, introduced his colleagues to the research potential of SPbPU institutes specialized in WIIRI, including the Institute of Energy, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Institute of Cyber Security and Computer Science, whose management and representatives were also present at the meeting.

Signing of Memorandum

In addition to WIIRI management, the delegation included top managers of several cluster member companies that specialize in advanced turbine engineering technologies and X-ray inspection equipment.