Ministry of Jal Shakti Releases Comprehensive Minor Irrigation Census Report

The main objective of Minor Irrigation (MI) Census is to build up a comprehensive and reliable database in the minor irrigation sector for effective planning and policymaking. The census of MI schemes is conducted in the States/UTs covering all ground water and surface water schemes having Culturable Command Area (CCA) up to 2,000 ha. In the MI census, detailed information on various parameters like irrigation sources (dug well, shallow tube well, medium tube well, deep tube well, surface flow and surface lift schemes), irrigation potential created (IPC), potential utilized, ownership, holding size of land by owner, devices used for lifting water, sources of energy, methods used for water distribution etc. is collected.

The 6th Minor Irrigation census was completed and the All India and State-wise reports have been published in 2023. In 6th MI census, 231.4 lakh MI schemes were enumerated, out of which 219.3 lakh (94.8%) were Ground Water schemes (Dug well/Shallow tube well/Medium tube well/Deep tube well) and 12.1 lakh (5.2%) were Surface Water schemes (surface flow/surface lift). All India figures for number of MI schemes as available from the 6th MI census report is as given below:

Ground Water schemes Surface Water Schemes Grand


Dugwell Shallow
Total Surface Flow
Surface Lift
8278425 5585106 4318146 3750247 21931924 611059 595981 1207040 23138964


Government of India launched ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)’ in Financial Year 2015-16 with an aim to enhance physical access of water on farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on farm water use efficiency, introduce sustainable water conservation practices etc. Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP) is one of the components of PMKSY. The scheme of Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) and Repair, Renovation & Restoration of Water Bodies (RRR of WBs) have now become a part of PMKSY-HKKP. DoWR, RD&GR under Ministry of Jal Shakti provides Central Assistance (CA) to States for creation and restoration of Irrigation Potential (I.P.) under the SMI and RRR of WBs schemes component of PMKSY-HKKP. The State-wise and year-wise details of CA release under the SMI and RRR of WBs component of PMKSY-HKKP is as given below:

S No. State 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1 Arunachal Pradesh 17.49 104.69 142.73 41.95 138.70
2 Assam 414.06 205.62 275.20 71.54 52.09
3 Bihar 27.96 10.65 8.62 11.76 7.78
4 Gujarat 3.16 2.57
5 Himachal Pradesh 147.91 59.80 60.31 40.50 142.30
6 J&K & Ladakh 68.58 97.59
7 Karnataka 30.00 37.50
8 Manipur 24.26 69.26 75.98 26.46 23.55
9 Meghalaya 22.22 57.07 100.47 46.52 74.21
10 Mizoram 11.34 7.65 4.66 0.81
11 Nagaland 20.46 35.99 40.89 21.01 92.71
12 Odisha 34.54 11.10 56.25
13 Rajasthan 11.96 9.30 10.46
14 Sikkim 9.13 9.33 9.71 12.88 29.25
15 Tamil Nadu 16.75 1.25 17.43 27.70 49.60
16 Tripura 9.00
17 Uttarakhand 31.78 29.63 17.20 93.40
Total 832.90 693.44 765.63 371.08 811.19


(Rupees in crores )

Further, continuation of PMKSY-HKKP for the FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26 has been approved by Union Cabinet in December, 2021 with a budget outlay of Rs. 4580 crores and targeted irrigation potential of 4.50 lakh-ha for SMI and RRR of WBs schemes.

The Central Assistance (CA) under both the schemes (SMI and RRR of WBs) is provided in the form of grant which is 100% of the project cost for UTs without legislature. Central Assistance is 90% of the project cost for UTs with legislature and 7 North-Eastern states and Sikkim & Hilly States (Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand). Further, Central Assistance/grant under SMI scheme is 60% of project cost for projects benefitting special areas i.e. undivided Koraput, Bolangir and Kalahandi (KBK) districts of Odisha, Bundelkhand region of UP and MP, Marathwada & Vidharbha region of Maharashtra, Left Wing Extremist affected areas, Tribal areas, Flood prone area, DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme) areas, Desert Development Programme (DDP) area of other States /UTs. Central Assistance under RRR of WBs scheme is 60% of project cost for all other category. The SMI scheme covers 7 North-Eastern states including Sikkim & hilly States (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand)/UTs and special areas of General Category States /UTs while RRR of WBs scheme covers the whole country.