Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Releases Details of Anemia Mukt Bharat Initiative

The Government implements Anemia Mukt Bharat (AMB) strategy to reduce prevalence of anaemia in children, adolescents, and women in life cycle approach. The 6X6X6 strategy aims to reduce anaemia among six beneficiary age groups- children 6-59 months, children 5-9 years, adolescents 10-19 years, women of reproductive age (15-49 years), pregnant women and lactating women through implementation of six interventions- Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid Supplementation; Periodic deworming; Intensified year-round Behaviour Change Communication Campaign; Testing of anemia using digital invasive haemoglobinometer and point of care treatment; Mandatory provision of Iron Folic Acid fortified foods in public health programmes; Addressing non-nutritional causes of anemia in endemic pockets, via six institutional mechanisms – Inter-ministerial coordination; Convergence with other ministries; strengthening supply chain and logistics; Engaging National Centre of Excellence and  Advanced research on Anaemia Control for capacity building of health care providers; and monitoring using AMB dashboard.

The Mission Poshan 2.0 is a flagship programme of Government of India which seeks to address the challenge of malnutrition and for improved health, wellness and immunity through community engagement, outreach, behavioral change, and advocacy. The Scheme focuses on Maternal Nutrition, Infant and Young Child Feeding Norms, treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)/ Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and wellness through AYUSH practices to reduce wasting and underweight prevalence beside stunting and anaemia. The supplementary nutrition is provided to children (6 months to 6 years), pregnant women, lactating mothers and Adolescent Girls (14 to 18 years in Aspirational districts and North-East States) to bridge the gap in the intake of nutrients. During Poshan Maahs and Poshan Pakhwadas celebrated in the months of September and March-April respectively, dedicated activities for awareness on anaemia are conducted.

Also, to combat anemia, the Government is supplying fortified rice enriched with iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 under the Rice Fortification Initiative in a phased manner under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM-POSHAN) Scheme, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme and in Other Welfare Schemes (OWS) in all States and Union Territories. The custom-milled rice has been replaced with fortified rice in every scheme of the Government.

The progress under AMB is measured through Iron Folic Acid coverage among beneficiaries. The State-wise progress for Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) coverage among women is provided at Annexure.


State-wise Iron Folic Acid (IFA) coverage among women across the country

(Source: HMIS 2023-24)

Union Territories
Percentage of Pregnant women provided 180 IFA Red tablets Percentage of Lactating women provided 180 IFA Red tablets
India 95.0 65.9
A & N Islands 61.9 77.5
Andhra Pradesh 95.0 86.1
Arunachal Pradesh 91.5 57.4
Assam 95.0 65.4
Bihar 90.8 51.4
Chandigarh 95.0 95.0
Chhattisgarh 95.0 79.8
D&DH and D&D 95.0 95.0
Delhi 95.0 62.6
Goa 95.0 80.6
Gujarat 95.0 95.0
Haryana 95.0 59.7
Himachal Pradesh 89.7 72.1
Jammu & Kashmir 95.0 73.2
Jharkhand 92.4 76.2
Karnataka 95.0 88.3
Kerala 95.0 61.8
Ladakh 95.0 79.8
Lakshadweep 95.0 79.1
Madhya Pradesh 95.0 65.5
Maharashtra 95.0 61.9
Manipur 46.4 33.6
Meghalaya 68.6 64.2
Mizoram 81.5 64.6
Nagaland 71.7 42.4
Odisha 95.0 81.1
Puducherry 95.0 95.0
Punjab 72.8 49.4
Rajasthan 95.0 79.7
Sikkim 93.4 89.3
Tamil Nadu 95.0 61.9
Telangana 95.0 78.3
Tripura 95.0 58.6
Uttar Pradesh 95.0 46.8
Uttarakhand 95.0 64.6
West Bengal 95.0 92.3