AMU faculty delivers a talk on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

ALIGARH  : Dr. Hamid Ashraf, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, delivered a talk on “Metabolic Profile of Offspring of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)”, at the national conference, Yuvacrinology, organised by the Endocrine Society of India at Vishakhapatnam.

Dr. Ashraf said that occurrence of hyperglycemia during pregnancy leads to abnormal adaptation in the developing foetus, which leads to increased risk of different metabolic disorders later in life in children born to mother with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.

He stated that study revealed a significant number of children, aged less than 5 years, born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus, had metabolic abnormality. About 14% children were overweight and obese, 35% had hypertension, 80% had derangement in the lipid profile. Insulin resistance was present in 20% and deranged blood glucose in 21%.

Dr Ashraf stressed the need of proper treatment of women with gestational diabetes mellitus, long term follow-up of these children, along with adaptation of healthy lifestyle to improve sustained outcome in children born to GDM mothers.