4th National Pharmacovigilance Awareness Week begins at J.N. Medical College

Aligarh : Prof. Veena Maheshwari, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Principal and CMS, J.N. Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) today inaugurated the 4th National Pharmacovigilance Awareness Week, themed as “Building ADR reporting culture for patient safety”.

Prof. Veena Maheshwari emphasised that the health care professionals must be encouraged to report ADRs for the betterment of the patient’s health and treatment.

Prof. Syed Ziaur Rahman, Coordinator ADR Monitoring Center (AMC), highlighted the need of ADR reporting to generate the safety data pertaining to the patients.

Prof. Asad Ullah Khan, Director IQAC, AMU, highlighted the importance of ADR monitoring, especially antibiotic resistance.

Prof. Farha Azmi, Principal, College of Nursing, AMU mentioned the role of nursing staff in making the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) a success.

Inauguration ceremony was followed by a Walkathon for public awareness which started from the Dean’s office, took a round around the college campus and ended at the Trauma Centre.

Faculty members, Resident Doctors of various departments of J. N. Medical College and Hospital and other staff members attended the programme.