PG Students of JN Medical College win prize


Aligarh : Dr. Lhingneilam Hecy Haokip and Dr. Vignesh Kumar, post graduate students in the Department of Anaesthesiogy and Critical Care, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University won the third prize in oral paper presentation and Point of Care Ultrasound quiz respectively at the 15th National Conference of Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICACON 2024), held at King George Medical University, Lucknow.

Dr. Hecy presented her study entitled “Comparative analysis of the effect of single dose esmolol and lidocaine in middle cerebral artery velocity during emergenence from anaesthesia”. The study was supervised by Dr. Obaid A. Siddiqui, Associate Professor Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical care.

Prof. Hammad Usmani, Chairman of the Department and faculty members congratulated the students on their achievements.