New Technology from University of São Paulo Turns Urban and Industrial Organic Waste into Clean Energy

The disposal of organic waste in nature generates a series of environmental impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and, because of this, industries seek ways to collect and treat these substances to reduce the damage caused. However, many of these treatment options require high monetary and energy investments to be implemented, leading companies to choose the least costly options. Prioritizing cost containment over sustainable solutions, however, can cause significant disruptions, such as environmental accidents and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

For these reasons, researchers from the Water, Sanitation and Sustainability Study and Research Group ( GEPASS ), part of the Sanitation and Environmental Technologies Laboratory ( LabSanTec ) at the USP School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, have developed a system capable of transforming organic waste into clean energy by degrading the compounds. Environmental management specialist Marcelo Nolasco, professor at EACH and coordinator of LabSanTec, discusses the pioneering nature of the project, called Stackable Bioelectrochemical System for Electricity Generation  , and explains how the technology can help industries mitigate environmental damage and support the energy transition.

Innovative technology

According to the expert, the system was developed with the aim of transforming organic waste, such as sewage and industrial waste, into electricity and hydrogen, using microorganisms to degrade these substances. Nolasco emphasizes the need for a more sustainable approach to managing this waste, stating that the group’s research seeks to convert waste into sustainable energy sources rather than just randomly discarding the substances into nature.

“An important feature is the need for the waste used to be organic and biodegradable, because the microorganisms used in the project need organic materials as a food source. In a metallurgical industry, for example, this technology would probably not work, as the microorganisms would not be able to consume these substances,” he emphasizes.  

Clean energy generation

According to the expert, the difference with this technology lies in its energy generation potential. While many traditional waste treatment systems consume a significant amount of energy to process and treat effluents, this model stands out for avoiding this expense while also generating electricity. “Our system does exactly the opposite. Most industries and treatment plants spend a lot of energy to treat waste, while we can generate more energy through this system,” he explains.

This type of innovation is particularly relevant in a context in which the industrial sector is facing increasing pressure to adopt more environmentally responsible practices. The professor cites the case of the ethanol and sugar production industries, which generate a residue called vinasse, which comes from sugarcane. In the Piracicaba River, for example, tons of fish were killed due to the irregular disposal of the substance by companies in this sector.

“There is nothing on the national market that is similar to what our technology can do to prevent this irregular disposal and also generate energy from it. Obviously, it needs to undergo a scaling test, since we are developing it in a laboratory, so it needs to be tested on larger amounts of waste. But it is a new technology that has already shown positive results,” he points out. 

Next steps

According to Marcelo Nolasco, for this technology to reach the market, it is essential that industries show interest in innovative solutions, since many companies in the waste treatment sector tend to be conservative. He says that, in general, these institutions see waste as a problem and opt for the lowest-cost solution possible, without considering options that make sustainable alternatives viable.

According to the professor, although investing in new technologies may seem costly at first glance, it can bring a great financial return in the medium and long term. He states that a large part of the national production sector is still very resistant to new ideas and alternatives, so it is also important for universities and researchers to be able to communicate new technologies in a less technical language, so that they can be understood by everyone.

Regarding the technology’s development stage, Nolasco explained that the next step involves carrying out tests on a pilot scale. To this end, the professor says that partnerships with industries and sanitation companies are necessary in order to carry out practical tests in tanks and electrodes on a larger scale. He argues that partnerships will be crucial to the progress of this project.

“Industries should see these circular economy innovations and green technologies as a way to improve their image and contribute to sustainability. The Brazilian production sector is going through this energy transition process and companies need to believe in this, they need to use clean energy, energy from biomass and seek new ways to transform waste into energy. In this way, the country can show society and the domestic and foreign markets that it is aware of the current changes”, he suggests.