AMU Professor delivers a lecture in Samarkand

ALIGARH  : Prof. Syed Ziaur Rahman, Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University delivered a lecture in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Traditional (Folk) Medicine held at Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

He discussed single drugs mentioned by Avicenna in his book “Canon of Medicine” and in the “Treatise of Cardiac Drugs”. In his presentation, he enumerated the sources of these drugs and elaborated on each drug’s characteristics such as temperament, assessment of the temperament through experiment and analogy, potencies, extrinsic aspect, collection and storage as well as the method of standard procurement.

With special reference to cardiac drugs, Prof Rahman informed that Avicenna extended the list of cardiac drugs after observing his own experience, and taking lead from Galenic Medicine, Avicenna laid the foundation of Pharmacology of Cardiac systems.

He discussed the result of the meta-analysis related to efficacy thoroughly evaluated in clinical and experimental studies, and the major bioactive compounds identified from the plant sources. The same properties of the drugs are presently used in modern medicine in various cardiac ailments, he claimed.