Aalto-led project found ways to support student entrepreneurship

Increasing students’ entrepreneurial skills can increase the number of startups founded, but above all it helps them to challenge existing ways of working and to bring about the necessary change in existing organizations.

However, a lot of entrepreneurial skills and ways of thinking are learnt outside the classroom.

The YYTO-project, led by Aalto University and funded by the Ministry of education and culture, has been researching ways to support students in learning these skills outside their studies, and for teachers to recognize and acknowledge them. The project is nearing its end, and the findings will be presented in an online seminar on April 23rd. The seminar will be held in Finnish.

One of the biggest solutions developed during the project is the Yoop-tool, which students can use to better understand their own entrepreneurial competence, and teachers can use to more easily grant credits based on that competence. There has also been several academic papers and one book written during the project. The student associations involved have been able to develop their activities and increase their reach.

More on the project, the educational institutes involved and the seminar, in Finnish: https://www.yyto.fi/