Aalto Univeristy: President of the republic to discuss international economy with Aalto students

President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö will pave the way for the upcoming Kultaranta Talks by exchanging thoughts with students on great power politics, climate change and the international economy. The university tour under the Kultaranta title will be organised jointly with Aalto University, the University of Lapland and Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT.

‘We’ll talk about human responsibilities; the future must be secured,‘ says President Niinistö, summing up the basic idea of the discussion series.

President Niinistö visits Aalto University’s Otaniemi campus where the third and last discussion will be held on Wednesday, 28 April at 11 am–12 noon. The title of the discussion is ‘Money is increasing and technology is revolutionising: Will the economic order change?‘. The discussion will be arranged by remote connection and can be followed live in Finnish at the address presidentti.fi/kultaranta. Video recordings with Swedish and English subtitles will be published later on at the Office of the President of the Republic’s website.

The earlier discussions take place at the University of Lapland on 21 April with the title ‘Great power politics is intensifying: How do we safeguard Finland?‘ and at LUT University on 26 April with the title ‘Combating climate change is a human responsibility ‘.

‘It’s wonderful to see the game changers of tomorrow invited for discussions on the international economy. Finland’s success in the new economy depends decisively on acquiring new competencies and talented achievers. This depends on our ability to offer students the opportunity to study here, in international networks in Finland that are at the forefront of global change,‘ says Aalto University President Ilkka Niemelä.