Aalto University: Aalto University’s Bachelor’s programmes will accept both SAT and ACT tests in the admissions round 2022

The applicant can choose either of the tests: SAT or ACT, at any of their test locations. In addition to the test result, the applicant must have or be in the process of completing in the Spring 2022 a qualification, which gives eligibility to university-level studies. It is also possible to apply to the bachelor’s programme offered in Finnish in the field of Business and Economics with the SAT or ACT test result.

If the applicant completes both tests, or retakes one of the tests, the best valid score that has been submitted to Aalto University through the test organizer’s system will be taken into consideration. The ACT test score will be converted into a SAT test score. The full admission criteria for the bachelor’s programmes offered in English will be updated at latest by 1st of October 2021 on our website.

We will accept both the SAT and ACT test for the admission to the following study options:

Chemical Engineering
Computational Engineering
Data Science
Digital Systems and Design
International Business
Quantum Technology
Kauppatieteet (offered in Finnish only)

*SAT/ACT is not accepted for the study option of Design (in the field of art and design)

The SAT/ACT test result needs to arrive at Aalto University at latest by 1 May 2022 when applying to the programmes offered in English and at latest by 14 June 2022 when applying to the programme in the field of Business and Economics offered in Finnish.