Aalto University Enhances Study Environment with New Self-Study Areas in Undergraduate Centre

New self-study spaces have been opened on the 4th floor of the Y-wing of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1). The spaces range in size from small two-person study rooms to large rooms with sofas and large conference tables. Some rooms are also equipped with monitors, keyboards and mice. There are also a few large IT rooms in the Y-wing.

There is also a kitchen in the Y-wing, which can be used for heating up snacks and eating, for example.

The IT equipment in the Undergraduate Centre has also been updated. The student hub (1st floor) now has one iMac and a total of three PCs with 64GB memory. In the print room, next to the hub, there is a student printer and two computers with A3 scanners for scanning and image processing.

Following IT upgrades, there are now three computers with A3 scanners in the Undergraduate Centre room U106. In the corridor of U106, some rooms also have monitor, keyboard and mouse workstations for use with students’ own laptops. In addition, room U353 has one iMac, six PCs and a student printer.