Aalto University Expert Gets 2022 Award for Achievements in Teaching


Henry Gustavsson, Department of Civil Engineering, has a long experience in teaching geoengineering at Aalto University. Since 2016 he has been the responsible teacher of the Project Course in Geoengineering, and the success of the course has been based on a strong cooperation with stakeholders in the field.

During the course, students carry out group work that successfully simulates working life. The working methods correspond to the real practices of the field, and the industry professionals visiting the course guide the students’ work according to the latest operating methods.

“Gustavsson’s long-term meritorious stakeholder cooperation has enabled the students to have a memorable, motivating and working life skills enhancing learning experience”, said Dean Gary Marquis.

The amount of the annual Award for Achievements in Teaching is 3,000 euros. The Teaching Award and other 2022 awards and honors were awarded at the Dean’s Coffee on February 15.

The 2022 Impact Award
The Impact Award of the School of Engineering was awarded for the first time. It may be granted to an individual or a group for an innovation, collaboration or for promoting the visibility and impact of research-based knowledge within society. The award 2022 was granted to Professor Ari Ekroos from the Department of the Built Environment.

Ekroos has been actively working for success of Finnish Society. He has brought crucially important aspects of legal frameworks and regulation to engineering education through his work as a professor in environmental and climate law in the School of Engineering.

The civil engineering and built environment practices are broadly guided and constrained by the laws in connection to areas such as environment, land use, construction, surface and ground waters, nature protection, waste management, and climate. Understanding the principles of legal frameworks and processes is among the vital skills in engineering and inherent in consulting, administration, and construction business.

“Professor Ekroos has extended his societal impact by participation in debates related to climate change, which is demonstrated though membership in the Finnish Climate Change Panel. A long term contribution is his significant role in the preparation and amendment of environmental legislation, which in Finland is in the worldwide forefront of sustainable development”, said Dean Gary Marquis.