Aalto University: New cooperation agreements in the fields of the built environment

The agreement with the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) was signed on 20 May 2022. Extensive co-operation and division of labor between Aalto and NLS has been built on the basis of regular planning work that has been going on for years. The cooperation between NLS and Aalto focuses on the strategic areas of Aalto’s digitalisation and ICT, as well as the human-centered built environment. The co-operation covers the fields of real estate economics, remote sensing, spatial data, positioning and geodesy, among others. The agreement has been signed by NLS’s CEO Arvo Kokkonen and Aalto’s President Ilkka Niemelä. The agreement is valid for five years and replaces the previous agreement signed in 2017.

The agreement with HSY was signed on 9 June 2022. The aim of this co-operation agreement is to develop research and expertise, especially in the water and waste management sector, and to increase co-operation in development activities in areas agreed separately by Aalto and HSY. Cooperation will focus on, inter alia, drinking water production, wastewater treatment, waste management, recycling processes and the circular economy, water supply networks and their digitalisation, renewable energy, sustainable lifestyles and sustainable cities. The agreement was signed by HSY’s CEO Tommi Fred and Dean of the School of Engineering Gary Marquis. The agreement is valid for five years.

Both cooperation agreements focus on the built environment. The most important areas in the cooperation agreements are real estate economics, geoinformatics and water and environmental engineering.