Aalto University Professor Elected As Member Of The Academia Europaea

His research interest include statistical signal processing, wireless communications, radar, multisensor systems and machine learning.

Academia Europaea, the Academy of Europe, promotes excellence in scientific research learning, and education. The academy was founded in 1988 and it has more than 4500 members which include leading scholars and scientists from the physical sciences and engineering, biological sciences and medicine, mathematics, humanities, social and cognitive sciences, economics, and the law. Currently, there are over 80 members from Finland.

‘I would like to express my gratitude to my former and present doctoral students as well as collaborators for the privilege to do exciting scientific research and learn new things with them,’ says professor Visa Koivunen.

And what kind of things you expect the most from membership?

‘Academia Europaea plays an important role in emphasizing the role of scientific research and rigorous scientific results verified by observations and data in guiding decision making instead of polarized opinions. Scientific research facilitate finding solutions both to small and demanding large problems and ensure that Finnish industry and businesses will remain competitive in a long run.‘

Visa Koivunen appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor
Professor of Signal Processing Visa Koivunen was appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor at the opening ceremony of the academic year. The title is granted to a professor whose scientific merits are exceptionally significant.