Aalto University’s TUTLI project eParkly gathers the parking related data on the A Grid parking area to develop future parking solutions

eParkly gathers the parking data using a wall-mounted camera to capture and develop the computer vision to capture the number of cars in the parking area. This gives the real time availability of the parking spots, which assists drivers in finding a parking space in the future solutions in co-operation with partners. The data will be gathered 24/7 until the end of 2021.

The privacy matters of the collected data gathering are carefully considered. eParkly blurs all the persons in the pictures and only keeps the frames with useful parking information. eParkly will not identify individual cars (=license plates) as the license plates in the collected data are blurred (a computer program automatically identifies license plates and blurs them). Thus, no persons or license plates can be identified from the collected data. The data is accessible only by the project team members. The data will be deleted when the project ends.