About the Institute of Economics and Law of PetrSU for schoolchildren from Suojärvi

The career guidance event was aimed at getting to know the Institute of Economics and Law of PetrSU and involving schoolchildren in the fascinating world of law. The meeting was held by the Research Center for Criminological Monitoring, the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure and the Department of Theory of Law and Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute with the support of the Department of Pre-University and Career Guidance of PetrSU and the Interdistrict Resource Center in Petrozavodsk.
Students of the 11th grade of the Suoyarvskaya Secondary School met with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Ph.D. N.S. Yermishina, who spoke about the admission procedure for training in 2021 for the direction of training “Jurisprudence” and the peculiarities of the admission company this year.

Head of the forensic laboratory, teacher of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of PetrSU A.V. Kovalenkov held a master class for schoolchildren, where the children were able to fix and remove handprints, as well as take part in the fingerprinting procedure.