Advancing Internationalization Through Networking

In August, the International Network of Universities (INU) celebrated its 25th anniversary in Hiroshima, Japan. It was an auspicious occasion, more so for Stellenbosch University (SU), as it was the first coming together of the network under SU’s presidency, which we will hold until 2025.

For me personally, it was an honour to preside over the occasion as INU President. INU counts among the most prestigious networks to which SU belongs.

The INU value statement reads as follow: “We value the development of globally engaged and socially responsible change agents who commit to understanding and addressing the complexities of global and local political, economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges.”

Furthermore, INU believes that by working together, universities can drive meaningful change on various levels – locally, nationally, regionally and globally. This is grounded in the conviction that partnerships and networks are essential for universities to realise their institutional goals and objectives and drive change and progress in society.

This aligns and resonates with the SU Internationalisation Strategy, which sets a high value on networks such as INU. We endeavour to seek out such mutually beneficial networks where we are able to engage and partner with the world’s foremost universities.

In fact, network engagement is part of SU’s Vision 2040. To us, networks offer an innovative way of expanding our global footprint and taking internationalisation in higher education forward into the future.

Networks increase their members’ global profile and enable our researchers and students to collaborate in many ways. This is why SU currently belongs to at least 34 networks, of which more than 12 are on the African continent and the rest abroad.

In future, SU will continue to play an integral role in global networks as a means of taking internationalisation forward.