Ageing Well Together: Public Event Showcases BU’s Ageing and Dementia Research

A free event hosted by the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) at Bournemouth University will showcase research and initiatives supporting people to age well.

The work of the ADRC focuses around maintaining good quality of life as we age and supporting those living with long-term conditions in older age, such as dementia.

The event, which takes place on Thursday 13 June, will bring people together around the theme of ageing well.

This includes a range of researchers, who will showcase their current projects, and representatives from local organisations who will highlight community initiatives.

Rachel Woodward Carrick, speaker and author of Happy Silver People: How to make life happier as you grow older, will deliver the keynote address.

There will also be the chance to hear from the ADRC Research Participant Group, who will share their experiences of contributing to research.

Dr Gladys Yinusa from the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre, said: “We’re delighted to host this public event, fostering ongoing discussions about ageing well together. It’s a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experience over lunch with members of the public, academics, researchers, practitioners, and community partner organisations.

“This event is open to everyone interested in celebrating and supporting a better quality of life as we age, so we look forward to welcoming you.”

The event will run from 10am – 3.30pm in the Bournemouth Gateway Building, located on BU’s Lansdowne Campus. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided.