Alexandria University Announces Winners of – Alexandria University Initiative to Support Researchers


Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research at Alexandria University, announced during the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council held on the morning of Tuesday, the 21st of February, that the committee formed to study applicants for grants of the Alexandria University initiative to support researchers, which was announced in July 2022, with a value of 2 million pounds from the Graduate Studies and Research Fund at Alexandria University, has finished announcing the names of the winners. He explained that the committee conducted personal tests for the winners and studied their research with great care and accuracy, as the research projects submitted by the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Engineering, Science and Agriculture won. Dr. El-Ghandour also pointed out that he will coordinate with Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, to announce the provision of another grant to support researchers due to its important role in supporting applied and innovative research, and empower the research community at Alexandria University, highlighting distinguished, successful and applicable research results, improving the research level of scholars and providing them with various experiences.

He added that the university aims to support international scientific publishing through grants and financial prizes for researchers whose papers are published in internationally classified international journals, in order to create a spirit of scientific competition among all Alexandria University researchers, as well as to encourage them to increase their production of scientific research that benefits the Egyptian society.

* The Council also approved the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Côte d’Azur in France, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Buraimi in the Sultanate of Oman, the framework agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Poitiers in France, and the student exchange agreement between University of Pescara in Italy, and a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and Yarmouk University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.