Alexandria University Hosts 6th Annual Summit of Egyptian Universities Student Unions’ Heads and Vice-presidents

Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Alexandria University hosted, for the sixth year in a row, representatives of 21 public universities, including presidents and vice presidents of Egyptian universities’ student unions, at the university camp in Bagoush, where the activities of the annual camp were held, to prepare student cadres at the university level.

Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and supervisor of the events, indicated that this camp is one of the most important activities that are implemented at this top level in universities. The Alexandria University Student Union participated in the preparation for it, headed by the student Omar Afifi, president of the union, over a period of several months, and it included several workshops in addition to sports and cultural competitions.

Dr. Gamal El-Amrawi, emeritus professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, participated in supervising the leadership of the camp, as well as Mr. Shehab Mahrous, acting director general of the General Administration of Youth Welfare, and Mr. Mohamed Fawzi, the student union official in the administration.