Alexandria University Reviews Operations at Tokra Branch in N’Djamena

Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, accompanied by Dr. Ali Mohamed Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Abdallah Zaki, General Coordinator of the University Branch in N’Djamena, inspected the new facilities of the Alexandria University Branch in Tokra – N’Djamena. They were accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Saleh Dosa, President of N’Djamena University, the university’s vice presidents and faculty members, Engineer Mohamed El-Keiy, Director of Arab Contractors Chad, engineers of Arab Contractors Company – Chad Branch, as well as students and graduates of the branch in a remarkable welcoming scene expressing their love and appreciation for Alexandria University.

During the tour, the University President praised the achievements of the branch and its establishment at the highest level with the support and funding of the Egyptian state, to be a leading branch whether in Chad or the whole Central and West African region, and to keep pace with the developments in the educational process and the new programs planned to be established at the branch. Dr. Konsowa pointed out the agreement to allocate part of the branch’s land to establish an agricultural and animal educational research farm that will have a productive and industrial agricultural and animal role and contribute to the development of animal wealth and the agricultural and industrial aspects related to its activities. The branch will also establish a specialized medical centre in the specialties of ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, orthopaedics, and dentistry, and will be the nucleus for serving Uthe medical programs planned to be established at the branch. The University President stressed the keenness of the Egyptian and Chadian sides to achieve a real partnership, so that the branch will be a beacon of science in Chad and neighbouring African countries, providing a package of good educational services, and opening new horizons for education in Central and West Africa with pioneering educational programs, some of which have double degrees with international universities.