Alexandria University Starts Medical Convoy to Kom Hamada Municipality in Beheira

Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and under the supervision of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, Alexandria University, represented by the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Nursing, organized on Thursday the 13th of July, a comprehensive medical convoy to Kom Hamada Municipality in Beheira Governorate, in cooperation with Abu El-Ela Charitable Foundation, and the “Doctor for You” fraternity at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, to serve the people of Kom Hamada.

Dr. Wafaa El-Sehli, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and member of the convoy committee at Alexandria University, stated that the total number of cases that were treated during the convoy’s activities amounted to 390 cases in various medical specialties, including 70 dermatology cases, 43 paediatrics cases, 11 gynaecology cases, 62 ophthalmia cases, 65 orthopedics cases, 80 internal medicine cases, and 59 dental cases. She added that 5 children’s cases were transferred to El-Shatby University Hospital, and 200 cases were examined for diabetes, with weight and height measured, as well as blood pressure measurements.