All Aalto students have access to gender studies

From the beginning of 2021, Aalto University has been a member of National Gender Studies Network Hilma. The main purpose of the National Gender Studies Network is to organize online-courses for degree students, both on BA/BSc and MA/MSc levels.

Questions of gender, race, intersectionality and equality lie at the heart of the course offerings of the network which are of great importance in the creation of inclusive working cultures at the university and elsewhere.

All Aalto University students have access to Hilma courses, so please let your colleagues and students know about the offering! The courses can be accessed here.

In addition to degree level courses, Hilma also provides training for teachers in the form of 5 x 5 credit courses in feminist university pedagogy. These courses offer possibilities for continued education for faculty members and benchmarking opportunities for teachers interested in gender and diversity.

The Hilma network is coordinated by the University of Helsinki. Other members are Universities of Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Eastern Finland, Oulu, Lapland, Åbo Akademi and the University of Arts.