AMU dental resident wins first prize in poster presentation

ALIGARH : Dr. Shoeb Hashmi, a first-year resident in the Department of Periodontia and Community Dentistry, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College, Aligarh Muslim University, has won first prize in poster presentation at the 12th World Dental Science and Oral Health Conference held at King George Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow. The conference was organized under the aegis of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the Department of Periodontology at KGMU.

Dr. Hashmi’s poster, titled “Tiny Titans: Impacts of Nanorobots on the Future of Dental Care,” showcased the potential of nanotechnology in dentistry, highlighting its applications in diagnostics, treatment, and preventive care.

Prof. N.D. Gupta, his guide for the poster, appreciated Dr. Hashmi’s ability to communicate complex concepts, and congratulated for the success.

Prof. Neha Agrawal, Chairperson of the Department, lauded his achievement.