AMU faculty delivers a lecture on CAD-CAM in Prsthodontics

ALIGARH  : Dr Pankaj Kharade, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr Z.A. Dental College, Aligarh Muslim University lectured on “CAD-CAM in Prosthodontics” to the postgraduate students from various institutions of India attending the Exam Prep 2024 Master class tutorial organized by the Indian Prosthodontics Society.

He discussed the advanced treatment modalities using CAD-CAM in Prosthodontics. He said that the incorporation of CAD-CAM in various rehabilitation treatments has greatly revolutionized the treatment concepts and prostheses outcome. It also helps to visualize the treatment outcome leading to enhanced treatment outcome and better quality of life for patients, he added.

He stated that the CAD/CAM is widely used for the fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses, extra oral radiation devices, individual respiratory masks and facial protection devices fabrication.