AMU faculty gets four major awards in Tajikistan


ALIGARH : Dr Mushtaq Sadaf, Urdu Academy, Aligarh Muslim University has been awarded the prestigious pedagogical honours from major Universities of Tajikistan, including the Tajik National University, Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda and Pedagogical University named after Sadruddin Aini’s Pedagogical College, and also a prestigious award from the international organization ‘Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries’.

Dr. Sadaf received these awards for his outstanding teaching services, remarkable initiatives for the dissemination and promotion of Urdu and Hindi languages, and for his outstanding performance in the promotion of mutual friendship between India and Tajikistan.

The Rector (Vice-Chancellor) of “Tajik International University of Foreign Languages” Prof. Gul Nazarzoda Zhilu awarded him the certificate of honor, while the director of “Pedagogical College”, Dr. Gafuri Zoir Sadullo honoured him with the certificate of honour of his college. The honour from the “Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries” was given to Dr Sadaf by Padma Shri Prof Rajab Habibullo on behalf of the Society.

Dr. Sadaf taught at the Tajik National University, Dushanbe for about three years on deputation from India as a visiting professor on the Hindi-Cum-Urdu ICCR Chair. During his stay, he delivered about 55 special lectures, attended about 24 seminars and conferences, and published two books and about 20 articles in various magazines and newspapers of repute.