AMU hosted Dr. Pablo


Aligarh : The Department of Computer Engineering at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) hosted Dr. Pablo Gervás, a distinguished Professor from the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain. Dr. Gervás, who also serves as the Director of the Natural Interaction based on Language (NIL) research group at UCM, engaged in fruitful discussions with the Chairman of the Department, Prof. Izharuddin, and other faculty members.

The visit focused on exploring prospective collaborations between AMU and UCM, particularly in the areas of joint research initiatives and student supervision. Dr. Gervás brings extensive expertise in computational creativity and natural language processing, significantly enriching the dialogue.

Among his notable contributions is the development of WASP (Wishful Automatic Spanish Poet), an innovative automatic poet. WASP, when provided with specific instructions on metrics and rhyme and inspired by the works of a poet, autonomously composes verses, showcasing the advanced intersection of artificial intelligence and creative expression.

The meeting marks a promising step toward international academic cooperation, aiming to leverage shared knowledge and technological advancements for the benefit of both institutions.