AMU MDS student wins prize for paper presentation

ALIGARH  : Dr. Nancy Budakoti, an MDS student in the Department of Periodontia and Community Dentistry, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College, Aligarh Muslim University secured a prize under the special category for paper presentation on “Impact of Periodontitis and Demographics on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Critical Connection” at the National Mid-Term ISOPARB Conference 2024, held at the Kalyan Singh Habitat Centre, Aligarh.

Organized by the Aligarh Chapter of the Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology (ISOPARB), the conference brought together leading healthcare professionals, researchers, and students from across India. The conference focused the theme “High Risk Pregnancy: Navigating the Maze.”

Dr Budakoti presented the paper under the guidance of Prof. N.D. Gupta, Dr. Dalia Rafat and Dr. Saif Khan. She emphasized the interdisciplinary connection between periodontal health and gestational diabetes, shedding light on the critical impact of demographics on this relationship.