AMU mourns demise of Prof Abul Kalam Qasmi


Aligarh, July 9: The Aligarh Muslim University fraternity deeply mourned the demise of reputed critic and scholar Professor Abul Kalam Qami, former Dean, Faculty of Arts and Chairman, Department of Urdu who died yesterday after a prolonged illness.

Professor Qasmi (71) was laid to rest at the university graveyard today. He was a widely acclaimed critic and author and was the recipient of many prestigious awards. He bagged the prestigious Sahitya Academy Award on his book “Maasir Tanqeedi Rawaiye”and Ghalib award, UP Urdu Academy Award, Bihar Urdu Academy award, and Imtiyaz-e-Meer award were also bestowed upon him for seminal works. Professor Qasmi wrote more than a dozen books and scores of articles on different genres of literature.

Mourning his death, AMU Vice Chancellor Professor Tariq Mansoor said that Abul Kalam Qasmi was held in great esteem in literary circles for his insightful writings. His books got recognition in India and abroad and he brought laurels for his alma mater, AMU. His demise is a big loss and the literary fraternity of the country has become poorer with his departure. Prof Mansoor expressed heartfelt condolences to his wife Prof Durdana Qasmi and three sons.

Noted Persian scholar and author Professor Azarmi Dukht Safavi said Professor Qasmi had thorough groundings in Persian and Arabic literature and was well versed in modern literary theories. His writings blazed a new trail in Urdu criticism.

Professor SN Zeba, Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU deeply mourned his death and said Qasmi’s writings manifest critical and analytical insights in lucid prose.

Professor Mohammad Ali Jauhar, Chairman, Department of Urdu said that Professor Abul Kalam Qasmi was an erudite scholar, celebrated critic and an excellent teacher who was extremely popular with research scholars and students. The respectability of the Department of Urdu owes to some well known scholars who taught here. Professor Qasmi was one of them.