AMU professor ranked among Highly Ranked Scholars by ScholarGPS


ALIGARH  : Prof Abu Nasar, Department of Applied Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University has been ranked as a Highly Ranked Scholar by the ScholarGPS, which is the world’s most comprehensive scholarly analytics platform.

The global agency has put him in the bracket of top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide and based on his achievements, Prof Nasar has been ranked as the second-top scholar at AMU across all fields and the eighth-ranked scholar globally in the field of “Methylene Blue” over the last five years.

Highly Ranked Scholars are the most productive (number of publications) authors whose works are of profound impact (citations) and of utmost quality on h-index.

Prof Nasar has received this honour on the basis of his prolific publication record, high impact factor publications, and the outstanding quality of his scholarly contributions.