AMU student presents a paper at a Romanian university

ALIGARH  : Mr. Mohd Shams Uddoha Khan, a postgraduate student in the Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University presented a research paper at a students’ Scientific Conference on “Models of Continuous Dialogue, Cultural Transformation and Approaches to Communication in Society,” organized by the Faculty of Letters, Universitatea “Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău, Romania.

In his presentation, “A Dialogue for Social Change: Cultural Transformations in Akh Dour (Once Upon a Time)” by Bansi Nirdosh, Mr Khan discussed the transforming contours of social relationships between the communities of Kashmir Valley.

His paper shed light on the social, economic and cultural ambience of the Valley and highlighted various aspects of the era the novel is set in. He said the novel portrays the pathetic condition and struggle of women trapped in prostitution in the guise of Nageena, the protagonist, and how a feudal lord, Balbadur, transforms himself in entirety by marrying her and becoming an agent of social change.

Dr Mihaela Culea, Professor of English and Director of the Conference appreciated young scholars, like Shams, from the Global South unveiling the cultural richness, traditions and heritage of their regions through the medium of literature.