AMU Vice-Chancellor inspects three Halls of Residence on Day 1 of scheduled inspections; instructs for all ongoing cleanliness and preparatory work to be completed well before the session begins

ALIGARH : Hostels at Aligarh Muslim University are undergoing a massive cleaning and sprucing-up campaign during the summer vacations following the bag and baggage evacuation initiated by the new Vice Chancellor, Prof. Naima Khatoon, as among the first major tasks after her joining office.

In continuation of this ongoing process after the evacuation of the halls of residence, the Vice Chancellor started inspecting them today. As per the schedule intimated prior to the inspection, Prof. Naima Khatoon inspected Sulaiman Hall, Aftab Hall, and Sir Ziauddin Hall at the AMU Campus. Senior University functionaries like the Registrar, the DSW, the Finance Officer, the Controller of Exams, Deputy Proctor, Members-In-Charge of the Building Department, Electricity Department, Land and Gardens, University Engineer, University Health Officer and various other officials were also present during the inspection.

The Vice-Chancellor visited several hostels (Bhopal House, HasratMohani, Jai Kishanand  Mehmoodabad hostels in Sulaiman Hall; Morrison Court, McDonald and Aftab hostels in Aftab Hall; Dhyan Chand, Mohammad Omar Farooq, Rashid Ahmad Siddiqqui and Zafar Ahmad Siddiqui hostels in Sir Ziauddin Hall) in these three halls and enquired about the progress of the tasks assigned to be completed before the arrival of the students. She checked the level of cleaning and electrical, plumbing and carpentry related maintenance work of the hostel rooms, toilet and bathroom blocks, common areas like the dining hall and reading room, lawns, surrounding areas, sports areas and rooftops. The work in most of the areas was found to be satisfactory. In few hostels needing a faster pace of execution, the concerned officials were instructed to finish the tasks within a week. . Special attention should be given to problems of water seepage. She also appreciated the work of non-teaching staff members who had worked as a team in the last few days and had undertaken a massive exercise to provide better living conditions both to the incoming and to existing students. One of the conservancy workers, Mr. Ashok Kumar, from Aftab Hall was granted a cash reward by the Vice-Chancellor for his commendable cleanliness work. The Provosts assured that their entire team will deliver a salutary and welcoming ambience to the students.

The Vice-Chancellor stressed that regular cleaning, organization, updating and maintenance should be a round-the-year exercise and Provosts should draw up action plans for the same. The students have cooperated in vacating the rooms and the University must offer them a visible change upon their return. If some renovation work continues even after the University reopens, it should be completed at the earliest.

Later, the Vice-Chancellor held a consultative meeting with the University Officials and gave further instructions on gearing up the University for the start of the new academic session.

The Vice-Chancellor shall be inspecting every Hall of Residence within a week as per a notified schedule.