AMU Vice Chancellor leads awareness march on World Suicide Prevention Day

Aligarh : The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Vice Chancellor Prof Naima Khatoon led the awareness march on the World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10), wherein the participating students displayed placards and raised slogans highlighting the need for effectively adopting suicide prevention measures and tackling the mental health issues, that impact all ages and social groups.

Organised by the Department of Psychology, under the guidance of the Chairperson, Prof. Shah Alam, the day-long activities also included lectures, and slogan writing and poster making competitions.

Prof Naima Khatoon expressed her appreciation and support for the cause, stressing that suicide is a deeply troubling and complex problem that affects individuals, specially students, their families and communities at large. She advocated for strong support system at every level for effective suicide prevention.

Prof. Rafiuddin, DSW and other faculty members also joined the awareness march, which started from the Arts Faculty lawn, up to the Administrative Block of the University.

Earlier in the day, Prof Shah Alam delivered a lecture delineating the prevalence of suicide among people of different ages and social groups in India, as well as at the global level.

He described various reasons for suicide, especially by the students, such as too much pressure on them, the pressure of not doing enough and the cut-throat competition among peers. “Despite having unique talents and abilities, parents and elders often expect extraordinary levels of achievements from their sons and daughters, comparing their own children to others”, lamented Prof. Shah Alam.

He pointed out that 70-72% of those who commit suicide give verbal cues before, so parents and friends are advised to pay attention to their children and friends.

Prof Roomana N. Siddiqui stressed upon the need for proper counselling services for the youth including students, who face a lot of pressure these days.

Ms. Sheeza Shoeb proposed a vote of thanks.

The awareness activities were hosted by Ms. Shafaq Usmani, while Ms. Sana and Ms. Sadaf welcomed the guests and attendees.

The faculty members including Prof. Asma Parveen, Dr. Nasheed Imtiaz, Dr. Reshma Jamal and others were present on the occasion.