Antigua and Barbuda host United Nations 4th International SIDS4 Conference at Manipal’s American University of Antigua (AUA) Campus

The American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine located in Antigua and Barbuda islands in the Caribbean played a key role in global sustainability efforts by handing over their newly-built conference center to the United Nations (UN) to host their 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) from May 27 to May 30, 2024.  Held under the theme “Charting the Course Towards Resilient Prosperity”, the conference brought together over 5,000 delegates to address critical challenges faced by Small Island Developing States.

The opening ceremony showcased a symbolic flag-raising, underscoring the UN’s dedication to peace, unity, and a brighter future for SIDS. UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Li Junhua, emphasized global solidarity with SIDS nations, stating, “When we raise the flag here in St. John’s, we signal that the world stands in solidarity with small island developing States worldwide.” 

American University of Antigua’s (AUA) new 1200-seater state-of-the-art Convention Center provided an ideal setting for the UN conference.

AUA President, Neal Simon, reiterated the university’s dedication to fostering action-oriented learning to address global issues. He highlighted AUA’s commitment to empowering future leaders who can navigate the complex challenges facing our planet. He expressed his gratitude and pride, stating, “AUA is honoured to have been chosen as the venue for such a significant global conference, drawing world leaders to our campus. This has been a proud moment for our university and the island we call home.”

This landmark event positioned AUA at the forefront of international efforts to support SIDS, and AUA’s new 1200-seater state-of-the-art Convention Center provided an ideal setting for discussions and collaboration. The conference offered a platform for knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange, showcasing the rich heritage of SIDS communities and AUA looks forward to its continued role in empowering future generations to build a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world for all.