Aston University Achieves Eighth Place in UK for Job Prospects Based on Student Feedback

Aston University has been ranked eighth in the category ‘Best UK Universities for Job Prospects’ in the latest StudentCrowd awards based on student reviews, a rise of two places from last year.

A total of 31,564 reviews were submitted on StudentCrowd between June 2022 and June 2024 across 11 different categories, which students rated out of five stars.

The accolade is the latest in a series of achievements recognising Aston University’s strengths in delivering excellent career outcomes for its students. Earlier this year, data from the Department of Education showed its graduates are amongst the highest paid in the country five years after graduating.

The 2024 Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data shows that employed Aston University graduates have the 19th largest median salary out of all higher education Institutions five years after graduation at £35,400.

The University is also in the top 20 for those assessed three years after graduation, being placed at 18th out of 147 higher education institutions.

Professor Aleks Subic, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Aston University, said:

“Aston University is committed to building and enhancing our students’ career outcomes by focusing on the skills sought by employers, engaging students with relevant and diverse experiential learning opportunities and exposing them to contemporary industrial experiences.

“This latest student-led ranking and the recent LEO data provide clear evidence that Aston University graduates have a competitive edge in the job market, having gained industry-relevant skills and qualifications as well as relevant professional experience during their studies at Aston University.

“I would like to pay tribute to our hard-working academic and support staff for their efforts to ensure that our students are ready for work and life, with special thanks going to our careers and placements team who go above and beyond to support our students and graduates.”