Aston University Announces To Welcome Media And Cultural Studies Expert
Aston University has announced the appointment of the former European Journal of Cultural Studies editor, Professor Helen Wood.
Helen will join as a professor in media and cultural studies within the Sociology and Policy department of the College of Business and Social Sciences in September 2023.
She moves from the University of Lancaster, and was previously head of the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester.
Helen is the author of numerous books and articles on media, gender and class formation, including Talking With Television (Illinois), Reacting to Reality Television with Beverley Skeggs (Routledge) and Audience (forthcoming).
She was editor of the European Journal of Cultural Studies from 2010-2023 and sits on the editorial boards of Feminist Media Studies, Television and New Media and Critical Studies in Television.
Helen was special adviser to the 2019 Parliamentary Inquiry into reality television and is principal investigator of the AHRC UKRI Grant ‘RE-Care TV: Reality television, working practices and duties of care’ (with partners: DCMS select committee, BECTU and Equity).
She said:
“I am really thrilled to be joining the department of Sociology and Social Policy at Aston University at an exciting time for the department and the College.
“Birmingham is bursting with creative energy and I’m excited to explore relationships between the university and the creative sector in my home city.”
Professor Zoe Radnor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the College of Business and Social Sciences at Aston University, said:
“I am delighted to welcome Helen to Aston University.
“With her extensive experience, she brings valuable insights to our institution.
“We are thrilled she is joining us during this exciting time for our department and the College.
“Her expertise and passion for exploring relationships between the University and the creative sector in Birmingham will contribute to the vibrant creative energy of our home city.”