Awareness camp on Formalisation of Micro Food Processing enterprises scheme held in Kishtwar



KISHTWAR : A day long awareness camp on Prime Minister-Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) schemes was held today at Panchayat Chatroo, Block Mughal Madhan by the Department of Horticulture and Horticulture Planning and Marketing.

A large number of local farmers, SHG members, FPO and PRI representatives attended the awareness camp.

Chief Horticulture office, Sajid Mustafa (District Nodal Officer, PMFME), Area Marketing Officer, DLSMS and the Officers of Cooperative department and fisheries addressed the gathering and made people aware about different aspects of the scheme.

The Chief Horticulture Officer informed about the PMFME scheme and said that earlier it was restricted to one product for one district, but now the scheme is available to set up processing units of any agricultural product under non ODOP products. “The scheme has a number of benefits like 35% subsidy with the interest subvention of 3% under Agriculture infrastructure Fund along with full guidance. He further assured the farmers of providing adequate handholdings in availing the benefits of different schemes.

The Area Marketing Officer educated the farmers about the new ideas of marketing like e- marketing and attractive Packaging, Labelling, Branding and Marketing techniques. He also encouraged the farmers to avail the opportunities to export their products not only to different parts of the country but also to different countries outside India.

The Assistant Registrar Cooperative said that the government was making all out efforts to reach out to people living in far flung areas and make them aware about the benefits of working together under Cooperatives for availing the benefits of different schemes of the government of India.

The DLSMS, Horticulture Department, urged people to avail benefits of PMFME scheme and process local agricultural products to increase their shelf life as well as add considerable value to these products.