Awareness programme held to promote eye donation

ALIGARH  : To create awareness among people regarding eye donation and urge them to do so, the Eye Bank at the Institute of Ophthalmology, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University organized an event, “Bridging the Gap – Eye Donation,” observing the Eye Donation Fortnight. The event focused on the Hospital Cornea Retrieval Programme (HCRP) and sought to enhance cornea retrieval efforts at the hospital.

Prof. A. K. Amitava, Director of the Institute reported that 33 corneal transplants have been conducted during 2023-2024, with 125 individuals currently registered as recipients. He emphasized that only the transparent part of the eye is removed during the donation process, ensuring no facial disfigurement.

He highlighted the vital role of nursing staff in providing grief counselling and support to patients’ families.

Prof. Simi Zaka Ur Rab advocated for using digital tools, such as educational videos in hospital waiting areas, to raise awareness about eye donation.

Prof. Ziya Siddiqui, Incharge of the Eye Bank, stressed the urgent need to increase eye donations, noting that only 2% of India’s eye banks are currently meeting the demands for 80% of corneal transplants. With over one million people in the country suffering from corneal blindness, the urgency of this initiative cannot be ignored.

Prof. Veena Maheshwari, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Principal, J.N. Medical College, praised the Eye Bank’s ongoing efforts to eradicate corneal blindness.

Dr. Saquib, Consultant Ophthalmologist, and Dr. Sameen Mirza highlighted the importance of the AMU Eye Bank, the sole eye bank in the Aligarh Commissionery, and informed that the eye bank team is available 24×7 to assist people with donations. They also clarified that corneas can be donated within six hours of death, provided there is consent from the deceased’s close relatives.

“Individuals of any age, including those who have undergone ocular surgery or have conditions like diabetes or hypertension, can donate their eyes,” they added.

Dr Saquib further said that people interested in pledging eye donation can contact him on his mobile phone no. 9634123800 or Dr Ziya Siddiqui on his number 9756604641.

Ms Huma Ruhi, the Nursing Superintendent, reaffirmed the nursing team’s full commitment to supporting eye donation initiatives.

Dr. Abdul Waris urged religious leaders to step forward as ambassadors of the eye donation drive.

The staff took a pledge on this occasion for an eye donation.