Awareness programme on PMFME scheme held at Shopian



SHOPIAN : The Department of Area Marketing & Horticulture Shopian today organised an awareness camp regarding the Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) scheme at Block Ramnagri, here.

The awareness camp was attended by the Line departments, PRIs, Potential beneficiaries from adjoining villages of the Block.

On the occasion, Area Marketing Officer Shopian gave a detailed presentation of the scheme and informed the participants about the significance of the PMFME scheme in detail.

He informed that the centrally sponsored PMFME scheme provides loans at subsidized rates to beneficiaries interested in establishing food processing units for livelihood sustenance and income generation.

District Resource persons raised awareness among people about registration processes and assured the audience of full cooperation and assistance in getting units established.

Other Speakers also spoke about the importance of registering food processing enterprises, branding and marketing aspects to enhance the potential and value of the food products.

Participants present on the occasion showed interest in the scheme and their registration process has been initiated on the spot.