BHIS student’s PESKY PROVERBS wins 2nd prize at an International Festival of Animated Film for Children and Youth in Croatia

Mumbai : BHIS Santacruz grade 9 student Armaan DadyBurjor and Rafael Joseph recently won second place at 12th VAFI & RAFI – International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, CROATIA 2021, VAFI MIDI (11 – 14) category for their film “PESKY PROVERBS”. The global festival is currently in its 12th year of operation. The VAFI festival was launched in 2010 due to the shortcomings of specialized festivals for children and young people who approach the creation of animated films seriously. RAFI had its first edition in 2018, thus initiating the co-organization of the Festival with Art Cinema.


The International Festival of Animated Film for Children and Youth is now considered the premier venue in the world for children and youth’s animation films. The winners were awarded trophies and certificates.


Armaan DadyBurjor and Rafael Joseph recently bagged over 8 awards internationally for their animated films. Both, Armaan and Rafael have been directors of several animated films for which they had won laurels at notable national and international platforms.

· They were also selected as Jury Members at the prestigious International Kids Film Festival (IKFF) 2020. Both Billabongers learned to make animated films at Toon Club and have been making animated films together since 2017.

· Their animated video Mr. GRUMPLEDUMP’S SONG won two awards recently: HONOURABLE MENTION awards at The Stone Flower, Film Festival, Russia 2021 & 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival), USA.

· MONSTER MAYHEM another animated film also won an Honourable Mention at 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival) USA & was a Finalist at DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival, Ukraine 2020.


Dr. Nikhat Azam, Principal, Billabong High International School Santacruz said, “I am extremely proud of Armaan and Rafael and what they have been able to accomplish. Winning second place in an international competition is an incredible achievement. They are a manifestation of our mission at Billabong High International School -we nurture our children and help them discover their North Star ie their true passion. Our teachers encourage parents to walk this journey with us towards enabling children identify and follow their passion. I wish them both the very best in all their future endeavours.”


Armaan said, “Pesky proverbs is a fun animated film in which proverbs being taken literally”. We are thrilled to win the 2nd place at the international competition. I thank my teachers and parents for their help and guidance especially in the lockdown. The lockdown has given me a lot of opportunities to explore my love for animation. I started making films since I was 7 years old and I started experimenting with a stop motion app. I am thrilled to grab multiple awards.”


Echoing the sentiments of Armaan, Rafael, said, “Armaan and I thoroughly enjoy directing animated films together. I am an avid fan of films and film-making and I am already a critic at Rotten Tomatoes. Awards have always encouraged me to make more and more fascinating animated films.”


Past achievements:

· PESKY PROVERBS has won three awards including the 2nd Prize at VAFI & RAFI Festival mentioned above

o Encourage Award at 3rd Gimpo International Youth Film Festival, South Korea 2020

o Semi-Finalist at 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival, USA)

· VIBRANT has won three awards since it was produced in March 2020:

o Special Mention award by CIAS (Italian Audiovisual School Coordination) Jury at Corti a Ponte , Italy 2021

o “Honourable mention MIDI international” at Festival Animanie, Czech Republic 2020

o Honourable Mention at Halo Echo Festival, Poland 2020 (For free and original artwork)

· The film ‘Morphing Tales’ won Senior Jury Award 3-7 at Corti A Ponte, Venice 2020

· They were selected as Jury Members at the prestigious International Kids Film Festival (IKFF) 2020

· ‘Something Fishy’, was officially selected at Adelaide International Youth Film Festival, Australia 2019, and QUITO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, Ecuador 2019, Finalist in the competition section, “Ready~Action!” at 15th Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival (BIKY), Semi-Finalist at 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival, USA) & won an Honourable Mention at Halo Echo Festival, Poland 2020 (For free and original artwork)

· Film ‘Monster Mayhem’ was selected at Cartoon Club Rimini, Italy (International Festival of animated films, comics, and games), Finalist at DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival, Ukraine 2020 & won an Honourable Mention (Finalist) at 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival, USA)

· Film ‘The Fast & the Furry’, won 2nd Place, International Students Mini, Best Film – Asia at Anim! Arte – International Student Animation Festival of Brazil, 2018, was officially selected at Real to Reel International Film Festival, North Carolina, USA 2018 & Semi-Finalist at 2021 Youth Film Day (a segment of Gold Coast International Film Festival, USA)



More about the festival and it’s esteemed Jury here: