Books as a gift to readers of the Kalevala region and Kostomuksha

Svetlana Olegovna Zakharchenko – Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, Member of the Union of Russian Writers, Member of the Library Council of the Scientific Library of PetrSU .AS Pushkin “the city of Kostomuksha his own books about his native land, including the works of” Zamkadye in Zaonezhsk “and others.
Deputy director for educational work of the Borovsk school M.N. Karnauch:

Thanks for the books to Svetlana Zakharchenko. The kids have already got acquainted with her fairy tales, and a little later we will create our illustrations on the theme of the fairy tales of Svetlana Olegovna Zakharchenko.

Director of MBOU KGO “School No. 2 named after A.S. Pushkin” Kostomuksha N.N. Gerasimchuk thanked Petrozavodsk State University and S.O. Zakharchenko, expressing readiness for further cooperation.

Assistance in the transfer of books was provided by the director of the Interdistrict Center of PetrSU in Kostomuksha E.Yu. Guseva.

The event was implemented within the framework of the flagship university development program.