Boosting MSMEs: New MSME-TEAM Scheme Aims to Onboard 5 Lakh Enterprises to ONDC

As a sub-scheme under the Central Sector Scheme “Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance”, the Ministry of MSME launched a sub-scheme “MSME Trade Enablement and Marketing Initiative” (MSME-TEAM Initiative), which aims at assisting five lakh Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to onboard the Open Network Digital Commerce (ONDC) platform, through awareness workshops which will include hand-holding assistance for onboarding onto ONDC. MSME TEAM scheme aims to provide financial assistance to micro and small enterprises (MSEs) through Seller Network Participants, for catalogue preparation, account management, logistics and packaging material & design.  Of the total five lakh MSEs to be benefited, two and a half lakh MSEs would be women owned MSEs. The scheme is valid from 2024 to2027.

The objective of MSME-TEAM Initiative is to provide assistance to micro and small enterprises all across the country. However, awareness workshops will be conducted preferably in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and MSME Clusters for greater outreach, especially among women and SC/ ST owned MSMEs.

The MSME TEAM Initiative, being a sub-scheme, is for a period of three years upto March 2027.  However, MSMEs can continue to onboard onto ONDC, which is an open network.