Bournemouth University commemorates International Culture Day

Bournemouth University recently celebrated International Culture Day, a day dedicated to promoting cultural diversity and fostering an inclusive community on campus.

The event, which took place on 28 April 2023, featured a variety of activities showcasing our international students’ cultures and their home countries.

The day which aimed to celebrate diversity and cultural exchange was organised by Dr. Yumei Yang, Principle Academic in Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Management, in collaboration with students from her programme framework. Throughout the day students and staff from the Bournemouth University Business School were able to unite and gain knowledge about diverse cultures.

With a focus on fostering a sense of community, students and staff from different cultural backgrounds had the opportunity to sample dishes from countries such as India, Nigeria, China at the International Food Fair. Visitors had the opportunity among others. The food fair not only offered a chance to taste delicious international cuisine prepared by students, but it also provided a platform for individuals to share their cultural heritage and traditions.

Another highlight of the day was the Cultural Showcase, which included a series of performances from various cultural groups. Students performed traditional dances, played musical instruments, and shared stories about their cultural heritage. The showcase allowed the audience to experience and appreciate different cultures and the talent and creativity of the students.

Bournemouth University aims to foster a welcoming atmosphere for students worldwide, encouraging diversity and inclusivity within the campus.