Brock University: 35 Brock researchers make global list of top scientists


Nearly three dozen Brock University researchers appear on Stanford University’s recently updated list of the world’s top two per cent of scientists with the most citations.

First created in 2019 by Stanford University health researcher John P. A. Ioannidis, the list rates scientists globally on metrics that measure the types and numbers of citations they have.

Citations, which appear in academic papers, are references made to earlier research. The number of times a researcher’s work is referenced in other peer-reviewed work is one important indicator of their research impact and reputation.

The latest update to this list includes a career-long database containing 195,605 researchers globally, or about two per cent of researchers worldwide. Though billed as a list of scientists, the ranking includes social sciences and humanities scholars.

Thirty-five of these researchers are from Brock University.

“This ranking shows the strong place that Brock researchers hold among the most influential and high-impact scholars worldwide,” says Vice-President, Research Tim Kenyon. “It is a powerful illustration of the world-class inquiry happening at Brock every day, in every discipline.”

The Brock University researchers who are among the top two per cent of scientists with the most citations are:

Stephen Anco, Professor, Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Michael Ashton, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Anthony Bogaert, Professor, Health Sciences, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Uwe Brand, Professor, Earth Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Ian Brindle, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Katrina Brudzynski, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Stefan Brudzynski, Emeritus Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Stephen Cheung, Professor, Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Vincenzo DeLuca, Professor, Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Ivo Düntsch, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Bareket Falk, Professor, Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Thomas Farrell, Professor, Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Maurice Feldman, Professor, Applied Disabilities Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
David Fennell, Professor, Geography and Tourism Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
Martin Head, Professor, Earth Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Gordon Hodson, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Herbert Holland, (late) Professor, Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Tomas Hudlicky (late) Professor, Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Princely Ifinedo, Professor, Information Systems, Goodman School of Business
Frans Koffyberg, Professor, Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Neil McCartney, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (no longer at Brock)
Cheryl McCormick, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Donald McCreary, Adjunct Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences (no longer at Brock)
Catherine Mondloch, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Georgii Nikonov, Professor, Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Gary Pickering, Professor, Biological Sciences and Psychology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Piers, Faculty of Mathematics and Science (no longer at Brock)
Ryan Plummer, Professor, Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences
Peter Rand, Emeritus, Biological Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Andrew Reynolds, Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Science (no longer at Brock)
Kirill Samokhin, Professor, Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Sidney Segalowitz, Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Martin Tammemägi, Professor Emeritus, Health Sciences, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Peter Tiidus, Professor, Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Teena Willoughby, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
The Stanford-based list of top researchers uses a number of methods to create a single ranking, in spite of large differences in the customs and practices of citation across disciplines.

Citation indices do not universally capture the impacts of all research types, Kenyon also notes, including work published in books rather than in journals.

“No single type of measure tells the whole story of great research,” he says. “A great deal of excellent, high-impact research and creative inquiry leads directly to policies, community practices, live performances or works of art, rather than to other academic publications.”

Brock’s representation in the Stanford University list has grown substantially from the original 2019 list.

“This as a valuable sign of Brock’s continued development of research excellence and intensity across disciplines,” says Kenyon.